Natural Dry Neem Giloy
March 2, 2019
Natural Dry Anjeer (Premium)
August 12, 2019Anise Pure Forest Honey
₹ 650.00 – ₹ 1,800.00
Honey’s existence has been there since as far as one can record, honey has been used as various forms as offering to Gods across various cultures like Egyptian, Greeks, Romans, etc. Today there is no part of the world where honey is not used as part of cultural diet. Honey is sweet viscous liquid produced by bees from sweet secretions of plants, the nectar collected almost has 600 compounds. High quality honey is a natural anti-oxidant that is rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals and can be used as a healthy alternative to sugar. Honey is graded by colour – clear, amber honey is more sought after than darker colour honey. Flavour of honey depends on the flowers from which nectar is harvested. Our Single food source origin honey are thus, as we know the nectar source for the bees and hence, the properties inherited by the honey
Anise Honey, also known as the golden honey is known for its anti-allergen and cooling properties as it is a herb from the Mint family. It is great for any skin allergies and break-outs.
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